Tuesday, March 26, 2013

How Caffeine Works

Straight up. Caffeine is fabulous.
I used to say to myself it was only meant for early mornings and late nights. Now it's an undeniable joy whenever it's offered for free at work (which is all the time btw...further perpetuating the problem).
      Regardless of your feelings about caffeine. It's good to know what it's actually doing inside of your body.

This is adenosine, a neurotransmitter. 
This little guy likes to bind to receptors in your body and slows down nerve impulses-making you feel drowsy.

What can you do to perk yourself up? Add caffeine to the mix.
Since caffeine is similar to adenosine it fits into the receptors as well. Leaving adenosine out and making YOU less tired. Caffeine also increases dopamine levels making you feel good.


  Thank you coffee.

  • The darker the roast the LESS caffeine there is. Espresso has less caffeine than a cup of coffee.
  • It takes about 10-15 minutes after ingestion to feel the effects of caffeine. Blood levels peak after 30 minutes. Most traces disappear after 6 hours.
  • Caffeine may speed the loss of calcium from bones! Eeek
  • It's not recommended to take more than 200-300mg a day...or about 2-3 cups of coffee.

Future goal for blog: Erase pencil lines.

Joachim D, Schloss A. The Science of Good Food. Toronto Canada: Robert Rose Inc; 2008.

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